
Intel Says Thunderbolt Optical Cables Coming This Year – Toms Hardware

First introduced back in 2009 and then launched on Apple Macs in 2011, Intel wanted to reduce the number of ports on a PC and Mac by running all data transfers, networking and display protocols (including DisplayPort) through a single … Continue reading

Apple Forgets Steve Jobs and Announces a Non-Magical iPad – TechNewsWorld

At its peak, Intel Inside became a quality brand, which allowed Intel to price above AMD and still win business. When Steve Jobs took over Apple, he began a secret project to convert Apple to Intel. He befriended Andy Grove … Continue reading

Intel May Build "Virtual Cable Operator" Before Apple Does – Forbes

Will Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini build an Internet-based cable alternative before Apple does? The processor maker is in discussions with television companies to deliver the kind of interactive television service many have long speculated …

Intel May Go Where Apple Hesitates To Tread – Forbes

Will Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini rush in where Apple has hesitated to tread? The processor maker is in discussions with television companies to deliver the kind of interactive television service many have long speculated Apple is …

Apple’s growing clout drawing more scrutiny – AP – msnbc.com

Apple, Google and four other companies, including Intel Corp., promised not to enter into any other “no-solicitation” agreements for five years. A federal lawsuit filed on behalf of the workers at the companies is still seeking damages. Government …

Intel: Optical cables for Thunderbolt coming this year – Computerworld Australia

Optical cables for Thunderbolt ports that enable faster data transfers over longer distances on computers such as Apple’s Macintosh will be available later this year, Intel said Monday. Thunderbolt, introduced just over a year ago, is a high-speed …

Is Intel developing an online TV service? – CNET News

Intel isn’t the only established technology company that wants in on the online video business. Amazon, Apple, and Google have built their own solutions. The most successful out of the three so far has been Amazon, which sells and rents … Continue reading

Preston Gralla: Do Metro and Mountain Lion mean computers are just big smartphones? – Computerworld

The Mac OS X upgrade won’t have much of an effect on IT shops. Although Apple hardware is becoming increasingly popular in enterprises, it’s still not the standard in most places, and therefore many IT shops simply won’t have to … Continue reading

Market Wrap: Dow Makes it Four; Apple Loves Selling Tablets; M&A Monday; Intel to Become TV Provider – StreetInsider.com

End of the Day: Dow Jones up 37.7 to 12,959.71; Nasdaq down 4.7 to 2,983.66; S&P 500 up 0.2 to 1,371.09 The following is a brief summary of events moving markets today: Two isn’t a streak: Four is, however. The … Continue reading

Apple’s Siri not as smart as she looks, lawsuit charges – CNET News

Siri remains exclusive to Apple’s newest iPhone model in “beta” form, a rarity for the company, which tends not to release software or hardware labeled as a work in progress. Apple has not said what, if any, extra features or … Continue reading