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Little iPads, Little Pixels, And Resolution Independence (An Apple Rumor Medley)

Another crop of Apple rumors has grown up under our feet, and it seems a little reaping is in order. Two rumors are making the rounds, both of which warrant a little consideration but should, as usual, be taken lightly … Continue reading

Video: Malaysia goes mad for the iPhone 4S

But Brazil, where unlocked phones start at $1,400 U.S., not so much Apple (AAPL) delivered the iPhone 4S to two dozen more countries Friday, bringing it — by our count — to 76, exceeding its stated goal to be in … Continue reading

Mac 101: Change your screen saver

Learn how to change the screen saver–you can even use your own slideshow creation.

Mac 101: Stacks

Learn how to add and remove folders and files to Stacks in the Dock.

Switch 101: Moving from Windows Explorer to the Finder

Learn about the Finder and it’s Windows Explorer similarities.

Green Schools App From The Co-operative Gains Five Star Feedback

(AppleNews247.Com, December 16, 2011 ) Greater Manchester, UK — The Co-operative Groups revolutionary Green Schools app has made a strong start in Apples iTunes store since it was launched one week ago (Friday 9). The game, which is compatible with … Continue reading

Mac 101: Dashboard

Learn about the Dashboard and widgets in Mac OS X.

How the Street came up with 8% growth for Apple in 2014

Horace Dediu tells the story. The narrative is fictional, but the numbers, sadly, are real.  Source: Asymco In masterpiece of analytical satire, Asymco‘s Horace Dediu on Thursday recreated the thought processes that led Wall Street’s top analysts to grossly underestimate … Continue reading

Morgan Stanley: Apple may sell 190 million iPhones next year

A proprietary survey finds demand for iPads and iPhones much stronger than expected Click to enlarge. The results of an Alphawise survey conducted for Morgan Stanley the week after Thanksgiving was full of surprises, reports Katy Huberty in a note … Continue reading

Switch 101: On Windows, I used to…

You may be used doing certain tasks on your Windows computer in particular ways. This lesson shows you how to accomplish the same tasks on a Mac.