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BD DVD Shipments

“Thor” and “Star Wars” Releases Spur Blu-ray Rebound

Dateline City:  EL SEGUNDO, Calif. Strong sales of “Thor” and the “Star Wars” saga on Blu-ray Disc (BD) prompted a 156 percent surge in U.S. sales of the format in the release week ending September 18, possibly pointing to brighter … Continue reading

Gartner: Mac grew 20 times faster than the PC market in Q3

IDC gives Apple an even bigger edge, with Mac’s U.S. shipments outpacing PCs 80 to 1 Source: Gartner Tim Cook may not have seen the latest numbers. Or perhaps he’s just more modest than Steve Jobs was. But he understated … Continue reading


The Official Word: Sprint’s iPhone 4S Will Be Unlocked, But Not For Long

Alright, there’s been a lot of conflicting information floating around regarding Sprint’s iPhone 4S and its locked/unlocked status, but a Sprint spokesperson has just offered Macworld her official word. The iPhone will indeed be unlocked at first, but a SIM … Continue reading


Buying A MacBook Pro? Wait Just a Minute, Updates Are On The Horizon

The current MacBook Pro design is probably going to be around until next year, but a minor update might be on its way in the coming weeks, according to a few factors that have telegraphed this kind of thing historically. … Continue reading


How To Hide iOS 5′s Annoying Newsstand Icon

So, you’ve upgraded to iOS 5. Look at all the new shiny things! iMessage! Notification Center! Newsstand! Wait, Newsstand? A special folder just for digital magazines and newspapers? Meh! Lets just go ahead and delete th… oh, you can’t. It’s … Continue reading


iPhone 4S Teardown: Nothing To See Here, Folks

While the first teardowns of the iPhone 4 (excluding Gizmodo’s crude vivisection) were extremely exciting due to the novelty of the design, the 4S doesn’t have much to offer. The stem of the iPhone 5 hopefuls’ slight disappointment, i.e. that … Continue reading

Siri For Venture Capitalists

This is so good I couldn’t resist … Oh entrepreneur angst! Have you no bounds? The above Xtranormal parody of a VC’s first Siri experience is totally worth watching, for the “My assistant Sanjay….” and “I’d like to share my … Continue reading


Foxconn’s Brazil Plant Back On Track

Just two weeks ago it was reported that the relationship between Foxconn and Brazil regarding the proposed $12 billion production center there was on the rocks. Foxconn was making demands the government felt were overreaching, and negotiations were stalled. Government … Continue reading

17 days in the iPhone line: Wet, cold & smelling like Cheetos

Life-lessons learned on the sidewalks of New York City Keenan and Jessica on day 17. Photo: PED Want to know what it’s like to spend two and a half weeks in an iPhone line? If you’ve ever considered such a … Continue reading Releases FastRa1n v5.0 to Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 4 4.3.5 and iOs 5

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 13, 2011 ) Chicago, IL — A few minutes ago, the team has released FastRa1n v5.0. This version of FastRa1n can untethered jailbreak iPhone 4 4.3.5, 3GS iPad and iPod Touch on iOS 5.0 released today by … Continue reading