
How Access Management Protects Today’s No-Perimeter Network | #SDN #Cloud #Security

The rule of thumb for network security today is that there is no perimeter anymore. An outsider can easily become an insider once perimeter security is breached. Every day, attackers find new ways to breach enterprise perimeter security through ransomware, … Continue reading

What to Automate and What Not to Automate | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #Automation

The benefits of automation are well documented; it increases productivity, cuts cost and minimizes errors. It eliminates repetitive manual tasks, freeing us up to be more innovative. By that logic, surely, we should automate everything possible, right? So, is attempting … Continue reading

[slides] Enterprise-Wide Agile Transformation | @CloudExpo #DX #Agile #DigitalTransformation

Agile has finally jumped the technology shark, expanding outside the software world. Enterprises are now increasingly adopting Agile practices across their organizations in order to successfully navigate the disruptive waters that threaten to drown them. In our quest for establishing … Continue reading

[slides] Wild West of Gemini Test Automation | @CloudExpo #DevOps #AI #ML #DX

Gemini is Yahoo’s native and search advertising platform. To ensure the quality of a complex distributed system that spans multiple products and components and across various desktop websites and mobile app and web experiences – both Yahoo owned and operated … Continue reading

Using DEM to Avoid Common Ecommerce Pitfalls | @CloudExpo #Cloud #DigitalTransformation

Digital experience monitoring plays a vital role in the ecommerce economy. The industry is booming with millions of websites selling everything imaginable. Online stores are expected to be super fast and easy to navigate; users are quick to assess website … Continue reading

[video] The Business Drivers for DevOps with @CAinc | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #ContinuousDelivery

“CA has been doing a lot of things in the area of DevOps. Now we have a complete set of tool sets in order to enable customers to go all the way from planning to development to testing down to … Continue reading

How to Manage, Deliver and Govern Hybrid Cloud Services | @CloudExpo #SaaS #ITaaS #Cloud

Many enterprise and government IT organizations are realizing the benefits of cloud computing by extending IT delivery and management processes across private and public cloud services. But they are often challenged with balancing the need for centralized cloud governance without … Continue reading

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost? | @CloudExpo #Cloud #Mobility

How much does it cost to make an app is almost as popular a question as it is confusing. No one tries to learn the exact costs of, say, making a movie: people realize that there’s an overwhelming amount of … Continue reading

[slides] A Cloud-based HPC Visualization Cluster | @CloudExpo @PenguinHPC #Cloud #Containers

Data scientists must access high-performance computing resources across a wide-area network. To achieve cloud-based HPC visualization, researchers must transfer datasets and visualization results efficiently. HPC clusters now compute GPU-accelerated visualization in the cloud cluster. To efficiently display results remotely, a … Continue reading

[slides] #ArtificialIntelligence at Scale | @ExpoDX #IoT #AI #ML #DX #DigitalTransformation

The question before companies today is not whether to become intelligent, it’s a question of how and how fast. The key is to adopt and deploy an intelligent application strategy while simultaneously preparing to scale that intelligence. In her session … Continue reading