
Consumer Reports: No battery-life problems with iPhone 4S – Hartford Courant

Despite complaints by some owners about underwhelming battery life, the iPhone 4S scored “very well” in tests of its battery performance by Consumer Reports, which gave the device its official blessing last week. Consumer Reports’ laboratory …

iFix or not? Apple says iPhone 4S battery problem solved – Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)

Apple says the iFix is in, but some customers frustrated with the battery life of its latest iPhone aren’t so sure. Plagued by complaints over the battery life of its iPhone 4S, Apple has released a software update that it … Continue reading

iPhone users keep charging Apple over battery woes – Monsters and Critics

San Francisco – Apple’s software update failed to correct the widespread battery problems with the iPhone 4S, users complained Friday on internet help forums. Apple issued the software update iOS 5.0.1 to its latest mobile operating system …

IPhone 4S makes frenzied debut in new markets – China Post

HONG KONG — Apple’s new iPhone 4S made glitzy and chaotic debuts in three new Asian markets on Friday, with customers and profiteers waiting in line for up to a week to get their hands on the popular gadget. Thousands … Continue reading

Apple’s iPhone 4S Battery Troubles Now Joined By New Problems – PC World

Apple says it’s still investigating battery drain issues with the iPhone 4S after some users complained that the iOS 5.0.1 update didn’t solve their problems. But now Apple is facing new gripes that the iOS 5.0.1 update is causing more … Continue reading

Sprint locks iPhone 4S for international roaming – Infoworld

So here’s the news, as first reported by Mark Hearn at SprintFeed and confirmed to Macworld by a Sprint spokesperson: As of November 11, all Sprint iPhone 4S models will be locked to Sprint’s own international roaming Micro-SIM by default … Continue reading

Hong Kong iPhone 4S launch sells out after thousands line up – Apple Insider

Apple’s flagship retail store in Hong Kong reportedly sold out of iPhone 4S units by lunchtime after Friday’s launch of the popular smartphone attracted a crowd of more than 3,000 people. Despite clashes between customers and professional queuers earlier …

Apple begins selling unlocked iPhone 4S – San Jose Mercury News

Apple (AAPL) began selling an unlocked version of its newest iPhone, the iPhone 4S, on Friday, the earliest the company has begun to offer an unlocked version of the popular smartphone after its release. Unlocked phones are not tied into … Continue reading

Apple iPhone 4S Battery: iOS 5 Fix Sent. Did It Work? – ABC News

It’s really frustrating if your iPhone battery dies  when you’re trying to do something important. You can be in mid-conversation when — That’s what was happening to some owners of the new iPhone 4S, who found that something had been … Continue reading

iPhone 4S: 5 Productivity Tips – International Business Times

iPhone 4S is an incredible gadget that is meant for people to have fun with, but Apple also wants their devices to be super easy to use. If you are reading this, you probably agree and are always looking to … Continue reading