

This comedic spin on ‘Inception’ is your favorite corny holiday movie

Christmas season means it’s time to bring the cheese. What would the holidays look like if the Parkers had never given a BB gun a thought, or if the National Lampoon franchise refrained from any vacations? Very #unblessed. In this … Continue reading


Painter reimagines ‘The Last Supper’ as a table of homeless men

LONDON — A Scottish artist has painted a version of “The Last Supper” using homeless men as models, to raise awareness of the issues faced by some of Glasgow’s most vulnerable. See also: Architect designs ‘floating’ pods for London’s homeless … Continue reading


20 songs celebrating their 10th birthdays in 2016

Great news, everyone. The year 2006 was almost 10 whole years ago. If you’re still breathing normally after reading that statement, congratulations. Here are some things that happened in 2006: Suri Cruise was born, President Gerald R. Ford passed away … Continue reading


Seattle becomes first U.S. city to let Uber, Lyft drivers unionize

UPDATE (5:40 PM PT): Added comment from Mayor Ed Murray Seattle on Monday became the first city in the nation to allow drivers of ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft to unionize over pay and working conditions. See also: … Continue reading


What to watch in the Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas

WASHINGTON — Tuesday night marks the final Republican primary debate of 2015, and the last chance this calendar year for the candidates to make their pitch to millions of voters before the race heads into 2016. Republican strategists expect the … Continue reading


Say farewell to your 9-to-5. Here’s why we’ll all work flex schedules soon.

Several months ago, I was talking to a college senior about her career plans. She wanted a job with flexible hours, and I asked why. The young woman said she wanted the freedom to take a short nap right after lunch when … Continue reading


How Spotify made waves across the music universe

Spotify came to the iPhone in 2009 as one of the first (legal) ways to stream music on demand on mobile. It also let you save songs for offline listening — provided you paid the monthly fee. Six years later, … Continue reading


15 Christmas gifts for the very frequent traveler in your life

There’s nothing like practically living on an airplane to change what you wish for every year. “All I want for Christmas is job security, being able to hold my first choice work schedule, two weeks vacation, a raise, longer layovers, … Continue reading


Samsung wants to take patent battle with Apple to Supreme Court

WASHINGTON — In its patent dispute with Apple, Samsung is asking the Supreme Court to take a digital-age look at an issue it last confronted in the horse-and-buggy era. South Korea-based Samsung on Monday appealed a $399 million judgment for … Continue reading


Light this egg candle and a beautiful baby dinosaur will hatch

There are a lot of adorable baby animals out there, but baby raptors are, surprisingly, not one of them. Over at Firebox, however, the terrifying murderous carnivore is in the midst of a makeover. Firebox, a specialty gift company known … Continue reading