

Pakistan grants bail to main Mumbai attack suspect

A Pakistani anti-terrorism court on Thursday granted bail to the chief suspect in the Mumbai attack trial, a defense lawyer said, a decision immediately criticized by India. See also: Pakistan mourns #BlackDay in wake of Peshawar massacre The lawyer, Rizwan … Continue reading


Stephen Colbert’s 10 best ‘Better Know a District’ segments

As The Colbert Report winds to a close in its 10th season, we’d like to take some time to appreciate one of the show’s best and funniest segments, “Better Know a District.” The bit, in which Stephen Colbert attempts to … Continue reading


If tampon ads were created by men

One of life’s greatest mysteries will forever be the imagery used in tampon ads — Why is everyone in tennis whites during their time of the month? What is that blue liquid? Why does everyone have such shiny hair? But … Continue reading


Despite the accusations, there’s still little evidence linking North Korea to the Sony hack

After weeks of rumors and speculation, it looked like the mystery surrounding the hackers who hit and embarassed Sony Pictures in the last few weeks may have finally been solved: North Korea did it, according to anonymous U.S. officials quoted … Continue reading


Positive prankvertising takes off in WestJet’s wake

Hardworking single moms, adorable kids and homesick expats got exactly what they wanted for the holidays, courtesy of brands that designed prank-style gift-giving extravaganzas Calculated marketing move, you say? Oh lighten up, Ebenezer, and revel with the rest of us … Continue reading


Wristband notices when you fall asleep and records your TV show

LONDON — Wearable technology is great, but so much of it is obsessed with getting you fit. Apps can track your heartbeat, encourage you to hit the gym, and remind you just how many calories were in that last donut. … Continue reading


Serial’s $2,500 phone bill and the prison calling racket

The final installment of “Serial,” a cult-favorite podcast reinvestigating a 15-year-old murder case, will begin just like every other episode with the names of two companies: First a partially mispronounced plug for the show’s sponsor, then an unpaid mention of … Continue reading


Show us your best vintage holiday photos for Throwback Thursday

The Christmas tree is as synonymous with the holiday season as Santa Claus and presents. In the United States alone, roughly 33 million trees were sold in the last year, according to a recent Mashable Spotlight piece that delved into … Continue reading


Elaborate stunt proves all Christmas carolers should have a 20-piece band

In one of Improv Everywhere’s most elaborate stunts yet, a family in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey opens their door to a caroling quartet. Then, a 20-piece brass band piles out of a moving truck behind them. But why stop there? … Continue reading


California gets more rain and a big mudslide

The latest in a string of storms noisily marched across Southern California on Wednesday, hurling lightning bolts, coating mountains with snow and unleashing downpours that triggered a freeway-blocking mudslide before mostly moving on. “It was rather rare to see lightning … Continue reading