

5 Apps to Map Your Bike Route

As people become more health-conscious and eco-friendly, cycling has become increasingly popular over the past few years. With the introduction of Citi Bike in New York City in May, and the bike superhighways that are popping up internationally, cycling has … Continue reading


AT&T Apologizes for 9/11 Tweet

AT&T‘s attempt at acknowledging the anniversary of the Sept. 11 with a tweet and Facebook post using the phrase “never forget” may be remembered for all the wrong reasons Like many brands, AT&T made the decision to join the social … Continue reading


How Facebook Helped Rescue a Man’s Missing Grandparents

National Grandparents Day was last Sunday — You may have missed it, but Bill Byerley didn’t. He spent it at his grandmother and grandfather’s place. His mother was there, and his brother, too. They cooked, ate and enjoyed the conversation … Continue reading


Striking Time-Lapse Captures Progress of One World Trade Center

In honor of the twelfth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, Earth Cam has pieced together a time-lapse video showing the progress of One World Trade Center in New York City The video features striking footage from October 2004 to … Continue reading


Houston Proposes the Spaceport, an Airport for Space Travel

The Houston Airport System has unveiled renderings for its latest proposal, an airport for spaceships The proposed Houston Spaceport features a futuristic terminal, a full university for astronaut training, zero gravity simulation and a launch site for satellites. See also: … Continue reading


Watch Our Live Hangout With U.S. Soccer Star Jozy Altidore

With Tuesday night’s qualifying win over Mexico, Jozy Altidore and the United States national team are officially headed to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup. But first, some more pressing business for the team’s star striker: a live Google+ Hangout … Continue reading


Watch This Woman Age Decades in Just 5 Minutes

Looking in the mirror every day, it’s unlikely that we notice our faces aging. It isn’t until we look back at photos that we see how much faces can change in just a few years. See also: Travel the World … Continue reading


Disney Wants You to Bring Your iPad to ‘The Little Mermaid’ Movie

Using a smartphone in a movie theater is a big no-no. But using a tablet is absolutely fine when the movie you’re watching comes from Disney and stars The Little Mermaid. When the mouse house re-releases the 1989 classic in … Continue reading


Little Girl Finds Security Flaw in iPhone 5S Fingerprint Scanner

Apple‘s new iPhone 5S features the latest in phone-unlocking security: a fingerprint scanner The company announced that its Touch ID fingerprint sensor would read fingerprints at a highly detailed level, boasting a capacitive sensor at 170 microns thin and a … Continue reading


Watch iOS 7 GM in Action: New Wallpapers and Ringtones

Apple will release iOS 7 for existing iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners on Sept. 18, but registered developers can download the GM (or gold master) right now. The guys over at TechSmartt released a video overview of some of … Continue reading