

‘Doctor Who’ Poster With 3 Doctors Teases 50th Anniversary Episode

A new poster for Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary episode, “The Day of the Doctor,” features three regenerations of the Time Lord: Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt Hurt’s mysterious character will reportedly play a dark, past version of the … Continue reading


3 New Apple Security Upgrades to Protect Your Info

Security has been a top priority for Apple this year, and the company is rolling out some new features and updates to prove it Whether you’re upgrading to the new iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S or just updating your version of … Continue reading


Gyft Launches Online Gift Card Registry for Weddings

Gyft CEO Vinny Lingham knows what it feels like to give a bad gift. Lingham was scheduled to attend the wedding of a close friend, but after checking the online registry only a few days before the ceremony, he found … Continue reading


PC Gamers Can Now Loan Games Via Steam Family Sharing

Gamers will be able to share their Steam digital libraries with friends and family so they can try out games, Valve Software announced on Wednesday. Valve’s Steam Family Sharing program will allow Steam users to authorize a trusted family member … Continue reading


Motorola Patents Arm Band to Detect Moods, Track Your Gaze

Today, we use wearable devices such as the Samsung Galaxy Gear or Nike Fuelband to read social media updates, text messages or keep track of our health. In the future, however, wrist-worn gadgets could be used as a main hub … Continue reading


Redditor Posts Gripping Eyewitness Account of 9/11 Attacks

It’s become something of a tradition: Each year on Sept. 11, New Yorkers post their firsthand accounts of the Sept. 11 — the disbelief of watching the Twin Towers collapse, of the people they knew who either perished in the … Continue reading


Capture a Photo of Your Favorite Place

Placemaking is an approach to transforming communities around the world by creating and revitalizing open, public spaces. An area of a neighborhood that was once run down or abandoned can be brought to life with some love from its community. … Continue reading


McDonald’s Experiments With Mobile Orders

Not lovin’ waiting in line at McDonald’s? There’s an app for that. The fast food giant is testing a mobile payment application in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Austin, Texas, according to Bloomberg. With the app, you can order ahead … Continue reading


7 Tips for Keeping Your Day Job

I’ve often heard that you can’t half-ass a startup. While that’s true, not every entrepreneur has saved up between six and 24 months worth of living expenses. In other words, while you’re laying the groundwork for your startup, there’s still … Continue reading


Pandora Names Former Microsoft SVP as New CEO

Pandora named Brian McAndrews, a former Microsoft exec, as its new CEO on Wednesday, ending a six-month search to replace longtime CEO Joe Kennedy McAndrews joined Microsoft as a senior vice president in 2007 after it acquired aQuantive, a digital … Continue reading