

This Is the NSA’s Legal Basis for Tapping Into Facebook and Google

The National Security Agency can access Google, Facebook, Apple and other major technology companies’ databases for national security investigations in a program called PRISM, as was revealed in a report posted by The Washington Post on Thursday. PRISM is specifically … Continue reading


Survey: 1 in 3 Dating Dads Lie About Having Kids

We’re days away from Father’s Day, a time to celebrate everything good about fatherhood. But a new survey by a dating site found something less than celebratory: one in three online-dating dads lie on their profiles about having kids., … Continue reading


Magazines Find Success Selling iPad Ads

Most magazines witnessed a slight decline in print ad sales in the first quarter of the year, with a few exceptions in the food, beauty and fashion categories. But while print sales were lackluster, one area did see a nice … Continue reading


NSA Also Mining Data From Sprint, AT&T, Credit Card Companies

Yesterday’s revelation that Verizon had received a secret court order to hand over data to the National Security Agency was just the beginning. Two other major American wireless providers, AT&T and Sprint, have also been receiving similar orders, as have … Continue reading


Microsoft Defends Xbox One’s Information-Gathering Techniques

The Xbox One‘s Kinect can be customized to not see or collect data on its users, said Microsoft Thursday in attempt to calm privacy concerns Microsoft said previously the next-generation Kinect will be able to see players faces, recognize their … Continue reading


Leaked Video of Nokia 41-Megapixel Phone Shows Camera in Action

It’s been rumored that Nokia will bring its 41-megapixel PureView camera — first seen in its 808 phone — to its Lumia line of Windows Phones in a model codenamed “EOS.” Those reports gained a little more veracity with the … Continue reading


Party at the Biggest Social Media Day Event Ever in NYC

We’re thrilled to announce Mashable‘s annual New York City Social Media Day event. This year, we’re planning for the biggest Social Media Day celebration the world has ever seen. On June 29, media companies Vice and Milk will join Mashable to … Continue reading


Xbox One Will Allow Used Games, With Restrictions

The Xbox One will allow gamers to resell their games and give them to friends, but within certain limitations, according to statements released by Microsoft. Microsoft released broader details on how the next-generation Xbox One console will interact with games. … Continue reading


Through a PRISM, Darkly: Tech World’s $20 Million Nightmare

If you’re still not feeling queasy after reading Thursday’s revelations about the National Security Agency tapping Internet records, you’re probably not paying close enough attention In short: a leaked intelligence presentation, verified by multiple major news sources, claimed to reveal … Continue reading


Special K Store Lets You Pay With Instagram Photos

Instagram was famously worth about $1 billion to Facebook — but how much is one Instagram photo worth? A box of Special K. In Stockholm, at least SEE ALSO: How One Instagram Hashtag Fights Pollution The Kellogg brand’s freestanding store … Continue reading