Best Friend Tag.wmv

Hey lovelies :D This is the best friend tag featuring my bestest pal Summer :DI tag everyone of you to do this, sorry that she is a little quiet or if you somehow to offence to the bloopers/video Questions: how and when did you meet? what is your favorite memory together? describe each other in one word. what's your dream job? what's your favorite makeup brand? what is something that annoys you about the other person? if you could go anywhere in the world together, where would it be and why? what is your favorite inside joke? who takes longer to get ready? favorite season? favorite song? what's it like being friends with someone who's obsessed with youtube? heels or flats? pants or dresses? favorite animal? if your house was burning down, and your entire family was sure to be okay, what would you save and why? comedy, horror, or chick flick? blackberry or iphone? favorite movie? what is something weird that you eat? do you guys have anything matching? what's your favorite tv show?
From: MissWSL
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Time: 12:55 More in People & Blogs
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