Picnic Wars™ – iPhone Gameplay Video

Picnic Wars™ itunes.apple.com Category: "Games", "Entertainment", "Strategy", "Arcade" ****************************************************************************Subscribe to get DAILY UPDATES with games released on the iOs *************************************************************************** Like us on Fb: www.facebook.com Twitter @ iGamesView : twitter.com Follow Us on Google Plus : iGamesView Web: www.igamesview.com *************************************************************** If you are a game developer and you wanted a trailer or a video onto the channel then shoot across a message or you can also mail to igamesview@gmail.com ************************************************************* Logos and trademarks belongs to respective owners. Appstore Description: FOOD FIGHT! It's a battle as old as time, fruit versus vegetable. Take the role of either edible army in this arcade fort destroying game with an appetising twist. Catapult your fruits or veggies into enemy fortresses and crush their defences to a pulp! • AN ARMY MARCHES ON IT'S STOMACH Choose your side; will it be the easy going Fruits, or the tough vegetables? Either way you will have a veritable farmer's market of food to fling at your enemy's fort, including tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, strawberries and much more! • I LOVE THE SMELL OF FRUIT JUICE IN THE MORNING Destroy everything in sight with explosive fruit and vegetable ammo. Think strategically as you plant your crops—you'll need to make sure <b>...</b>
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