Why sleep, my friend?

Everyone dies, but there are no dead. (Tibetan Buddhist saying). One thing I've learnt from my time in Benares - expect the unexpected! This city is full of death, and one is reminded of it at almost every turn. It's a daily occurrence to see dead bodies being carried through the streets atop a bamboo stretcher draped in red and gold cloth, and the cremation grounds are in the central public space on the ghats. So the smell of burning of flesh, the returning of the body to dust and ashes, becomes a part of daily life. But this morning's leasurely stroll on the river between my home and my favourite coffee spot gave me a particularly poignant reminder of the inevitability & immanence of death. Reminded me also of three things I read before leaving the house, just a few minutes before this video was shot: The first, a poem of Kabir sung by Rajasthani singer Mahesha Ram (it provides the soundtrack): "Why do you sleep, my friend? For a few moments pleasure, why do you sleep? This human birth is a precious gem. You won't get it again my friend. You got a mango, sweet as nectar (the mango season just started here!) Why put yourself to sleep with beer and narcotics? The truth lies inside, as cleansing as soap, Why not wash your dirty clothes. Says Kabir, "listen wise ones, NOW is the time to awaken!" The second, from the Shvetashvatara Upanishad: "All is change in the world of the senses, but changeless is the eternal One. Meditate on the One, and wake from the dream of <b>...</b>
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Time: 02:17 More in Comedy
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