Tips and Packing for River Tubing in San Marcos, TX

Find the associated link on * Bring but leave in car: towel, dry clothes, hand sanitizer, cash * Someone should have a WaterProof Case to hold: ID, cash, lighter, anything you wanna keep dry * Find a tube rental and return ride company, so that you can get back to your car. We used Don's Fish Camp and had no problems. Tube rental and return ride was $12 per person, but we scored a Groupon deal, so it was cheaper. * Do it right and remember to bring a cooler. Also, plan to rent an extra tube for it. You're not gonna sit that thing in your lap. * Rope! Don't forget to bring a length of rope to ties your group's tubes together. It's now effortless fun to chat and enjoy the scenery while having the full use of your hands and feet. * Don't mess with Texas. Don't litter, in general. Anywhere. It's rude. The tube rental company gave us a netted trash bag to float along behind us and we tossed it at the end. Simple. * Think about your shoe situation. If you think you may want to move faster, sneakers are good for walking the tube(s) out of a slow current. Old sneakers would be best or water socks. I wore leather flip flops and I may have ruined them from all the water and then slipping in them all the way to the car. * Put on sunscreen early. Repeat. Be outside more often and less harshly if you want to be a bronzed god. You know this. * Consider buying your own tube. Fancy tubes with cup holders and head rests can be bought for less than $20. Here's the Intex <b>...</b>
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