Krashlander – Farseer Games LLC

Farseer Games LLC - Krashlander artwork Krashlander
Farseer Games LLC
Genre: Games
Price: $0.99
Release Date: February 7, 2013

Krashlander is a physics powered game that will have you blasting down large mountain slopes and soaring over gaping crevices to attack the evil robots that destroyed your world.

“What started off as 'What did I get myself into?' is now "Wow...this is surreal". -metalcasket, TouchArcade forum

"Original, fun, challenging, addicting and beautiful. Great game!" -poehneltj


-A fluid and precise physics-based control mechanic borrowed from an awesome, old abandoned game called Ski Stunt Simulator.

-A crazy amount of epic rigid-body style crashing can be expected.

-A dedicated one-man development team with a notebook full of update ideas. This first release is very much just the beginning.


Evil robots from another planet have destroyed your world.
Revenge is your mission.
Your krashsuit is your weapon.

The story behind Krashlander is short and not so sweet. You play as the last remaining human, once a member of an elite force of Krashlanders.

As a Krashlander, you wear protective a krashsuit, ski down mountains, and crash into things. The krashsuit is your weapon. It is also, with it’s ability to protect and heal, your savior.

As the last remaining Krashlander, now simply going by the name Krashlander, your only mission is to exact revenge on the robots that destroyed your world.


The learning curve for the Krashlander control system, if plotted on a graph, would very closely align with the learning curve for riding a bike. When you first learned to ride a bike, you were probably pretty wobbly and over-steered a lot. You probably also fell on your butt often. Eventually, though, it all just clicked and became second nature.

Krashlander is a lot like this. If you get to the point where it "clicks", I think you will be impressed with what you can do and the feeling you get while doing it.

Have fun and krash well!

© © Farseer Games
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