CARROT Fit – Talking Weight Tracker – Grailr LLC

Grailr LLC - CARROT Fit - Talking Weight Tracker artwork CARROT Fit - Talking Weight Tracker
Grailr LLC
Genre: Health & Fitness
Price: $1.99
Release Date: January 30, 2014

Make losing weight suck so much less with CARROT Fit, the hilarious talking weight tracker.

CARROT is a sadistic AI construct with one simple goal: to transform your flabby carcass into a Grade A specimen of the human race. She will do whatever it takes – including threatening, inspiring, ridiculing, and bribing you – to make this happen.

You will lose weight – or else.

Step Right Up
CARROT Fit is the simplest weight tracker you will ever use. All you have to do is punch in your current weight, then sit back and let CARROT pass judgment upon you.

Claim Your Rewards
If you slough off those extra pounds, CARROT will reward you with fabulous prizes like workout tips, cat facts, and permission to watch your friend eat a bag of potato chips.

Track Your Awesomeness
Because math is hard, CARROT will do all the number-crunching for you. See how you’re coming along on a pretty graph, set a goal weight, and check your BMI.

WARNING: Gain Weight at Your Peril
If you blimp up, CARROT will be upset. When CARROT is upset, she gets mean. When CARROT gets mean, there is a 74.9% chance that she will make you cry.

And that's not all, there are more fitness modules - including the Deathmarch 5K and the 6-Minute Workout - coming in future updates!



- Record your weight up to once a day
- Match wits with a hilarious, fully-voiced AI companion
- Bond with your cute & cuddly meatbag avatar
- Earn rewards for sloughing off those extra pounds
- Set reminders so you’ll never forget a weigh-in
- Share your epic gains/losses with your friends
- Track your progress on a pretty graph
- Set a goal weight that you’ll likely never meet
- Check your BMI to determine if you’re still obese


CARROT’s apps have been featured by Apple, Wall Street Journal, NPR, USA Today, Fast Company, and many more.

Don't make CARROT angry. Download her now!


Have feedback? CARROT would love to hear from you!
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