President of Mexico to receive the Global Energy Lifetime Achievement Award at IHS CERAWeek 2016

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IHS Media Relations, +1 303 305 8021
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Jeff Marn, +1 202 463 8213
Energy Strategy, Renewable Energy

- Award is presented to those few individuals who have made a transformative impact on world energy.
- Mr. Peña Nieto will receive the Award in recognition of his vision and leadership in transforming Mexico’s energy sector.
- IHS CERAWeek is the world’s most prestigious energy forum and this year will convene more than 2,800 delegates from more than 50 countries and more than 300 speakers.

[Updated from material previously posted January 6, 2016)

(January 7, 2016) – The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto will receive the prestigious IHS Global Energy Lifetime Achievement Award during the 35th IHS CERAWeek 2016, February 22-26 at the Hilton Americas—Houston.

The IHS CERAWeek Global Energy Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals who have made a significant and lasting impact on the global energy future. President Peña Nieto will receive the award in recognition of his vision and leadership in the historic modernization of Mexico’s energy industry.


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