Oil and Gas Operators with Significant Inventory of Drilled but Uncompleted Wells in Major U.S. Plays to Benefit from Capital Efficiency Gains in 2016, IHS Says

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IHS Media Relations, +1 303 305 8021
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Analysis shows DUCs part of normal field development optimization, but production conversion delays vary by play and impact supply outlook

HOUSTON (May 10, 2016) – U.S. oil and gas operators with significant inventories of drilled but uncompleted wells (DUCs) in the major U.S. plays will benefit from capital efficiency gains in 2016, but conversion of these wells to production will have a limited impact on overall U.S. production compared to U.S. production growth derived from new drilling activities, according to new analysis from IHS (NYSE: IHS), the leading global source of critical information and insight.


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