Load up on cheap, speedy storage with this 120GB SSD on sale for $23

It’s time to ditch that pokey mechanical hard drive. Solid-state storage prices have been plummeting, but today we’ve found a remarkably cheap SSD that should be a good option for a boot drive in a tower PC, or minimal, fast storage for a travel laptop. Newegg’s selling the https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820301367|Newegg|120GB Silicon Power S55 SSD|2|Add Link">120GB Silicon Power S55 SSD for just $23https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820301367|Newegg|120GB Silicon Power S55 SSD|2|Add Link">Remove non-product link. That’s about $10 off the MSRP, and a flat-out outstanding price for a solid-state drive. Newegg’s sale price for this drive ends next Thursday, November 1.

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