Author Archives: admin

What to Expect From Apple’s iPhone 5 Event – PC Magazine

Last year Apple acquired Siri, a company that makes voice-to-text … giving first looks at apps that really take advantage of iOS 5′s features and the processing power and other hardware of the new iPhone. Given the tone of the … Continue reading

What to Expect From Apple’s iPhone 5 Event – PC Magazine

We should get more details on iOS 5, when it’ll be available for download, and which devices it’ll work on (will the iPhone 3GS get it?). iCloud should get the full treatment as well, finally revealing whether it will work … Continue reading

Apple to launch iPhone 5 today – Chicago Tribune

apps and photos on Apple’s servers and let you access them wirelessly on numerous devices. As for hardware, a new iPhone isn’t expected to look that much different from the iPhone 4, though it could be thinner and have a … Continue reading

Apple expected to introduce Newsstand today at iPhone 5 event –

Apple is announcing version 5 of its phone and mobile operating system today, which among many upgrades includes a new Newsstand section for buying and organizing newspaper and magazine apps. Although Apple previewed the feature at its …

Apple to launch iPhone 5 today – Chicago Tribune

A new iPhone is also expected to include Apple’s forthcoming iCloud service, which will store content such as music, documents, apps and photos on Apple’s servers and let you access them wirelessly on numerous devices. As for hardware …

Apple to launch iPhone 5 today – Chicago Tribune

A new iPhone is expected to have a number of changes, the biggest of which will likely be under the hood: the inclusion of Apple’s latest iOS mobile software, iOS 5, which has been slated for release this fall. IOS … Continue reading

New iPhone expected from Apple today – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

apps and photos on Apple’s servers and let you access them wirelessly on numerous devices. As for hardware, a new iPhone isn’t expected to look that much different from the iPhone 4, though it could be thinner and have a … Continue reading

Apple Expected to Unveil New iPhone – ABC News

which will store content like music and photos on Apple’s servers so you can access them wirelessly on multiple devices. On the hardware side, a new iPhone is anticipated to look much like the iPhone 4, though it may be … Continue reading

Time ripe for iPhone 5 – South Bend Tribune

The first iPhone was revealed in 2007, and the phone’s signature slick looks, high-resolution screen and intuitive software made it incredibly popular from the start (the rollout of Apple’s iTunes App Store in 2008 helped, too). In addition …

Apple Expected to Unveil New iPhone – ABC News

A new iPhone is expected to include Apple’s latest iOS mobile software, iOS 5, which will have features such as wireless device setup and content syncing and beefed-up camera, email and Web-browsing apps. It is also expected to include Apple’s … Continue reading